Assyst GmbH License Agreement

  1. Assyst grants the customer the opportunity to use the software product free of charge for a limited period of time exclusively for test purposes in accordance with the provisions and content of this license agreement. For this purpose, the customer is provided with a demo version of the software product, which the customer can download after he has previously registered. The trial license is not transferable.
  2. Period for the test, consequences of non-purchase:
    1. The trial period is limited by the demo license. It begins on the day the demo license is ordered and ends automatically after the period specified by the demo license has expired.
    2. If the customer decides not to purchase the software product during the test period, he is obliged to delete it from all computers on which it was installed.
    3. The customer is informed and expressly agrees that all data and files that he has created/edited or otherwise produced with the help of the demo version of the software product provided for the test phase, after the end of the test phase in the event of non-purchase can no longer be used. The customer is not granted any further rights of use or exploitation of the licensed object.
    4. For the test period, use is made without any warranty.

Assyst GmbH
Max-Planck-Str. 3
85609 Aschheim-Dornach

T: +49 (0) 89 90505 0
F: +49 (0) 89 90505 271

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